
Golf Courses in Lagos

Boavista Golf in Lagos, Algarve, Portugal
8 / 10 based on 223 votes
Boavista Golf Course offers two distinct sections of play providing a variety of attractive and interesting holes. From the first to the last putt on the 18th green it promises a sensible game for the average player... Boavista Course
5,751m 5,362m 4,751m
Espiche Golf Course in Lagos, Algarve, Portugal
8.2 / 10 based on 282 votes
Espiche Golf Course is the latest course addition in the Algarve, The Espiche Golf Course, gently provides an undulating 18 hole course that blends into the local landscape. It's lakes, streams, and indigenous planting, add to the enrichment and biodiversity of the area... Espiche Golf Course
5,862m 5,453m 5,026m
Palmares Golf in Lagos, Algarve, Portugal
7.5 / 10 based on 264 votes
The Palmares course has been totally transformed by the the American course designer Robert Trent Jones Jr. He has created a mixture of parkland with authentic links style... Palmares Course
6,314m 5,614m 5,020m
Santo Antonio Golf in Lagos, Algarve, Portugal
8 / 10 based on 175 votes
The renamed Santo Antonio course from Parque da Floresta is located in the most western part of the Algarve. The architect of this course has created a fascinating course that presents visually attractive views of the surrounding countryside lined on the horizon by the sea... Santo Antonio Course
5,673m 5,253m 4,618m
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